Monday, January 15, 2007

Faster, harder, future

Sitting at the Baresso coffeebar on Strøget, enjoying a latte grande and poking around on my computer...
I like this, this is future. Not "the future" just simple "future" I think that The future was something born by the fifties and killed by the nineties. It's like those funny people walking around with a big sign that says something on the lines of "The world ends tomorrow". Well, it feels like the fifties brought an attitude to the world, technology and ourselves that The future starts tomorrow, some alla-pervasive notion that society would, given enough research and science unfold to some beautiful utopia populated by a better and more profound humanity. That did not happen. In fact, nothing happened, at least nothing great and wonderful or catastrophic and horrible. There were just small changes, plane trips becaame cheaper and more common, more people started to get computers and small digital devices, the ozonlayer thinned out a little more, but still, nothing really HAPPENED. Stuff just changed little by little and suddenly you realize that you are sipping your coffe in a coffebar while watching live video feeds from paraguay and writing in a virtual diary about how it makes you feel...

I like future...

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