Sunday, March 18, 2007


Yesterday all my troubles were so far away...Well I don't know for sure if I have more troubles today than yesterday, but I know one thing that has changed dramatically for the worse, the weather. How did this happen? As the spring comes all swedish people put away all their winter clothes and starts to wear unreasonably light clohing just to express the victory over a long and gruesome winter. In many ways it's also a reclaimation of the body, the first real opportunity to show that underneath all those layers of wool, down and furs etc. there is a body that they have been working hard to keep in shape while partaking in all the social eating that the swedish holidays center around. So it's no great mystery to find people who bask in the sunshine of their newly recovered sun and try to remove as much clothing as possible. This is all good, but it also implies the worst thing that can happen is what happened this morning. Someone have stolen our beautiful sun and replaced it with cold snowstorms. Not a weather that inspire to outdoor activities. In many ways this is the worst treason that the poor swedes right now, and everybody have to go back to their storages and retreive all that heavy thick clothing or walk around in their springtime wear and freeze while making desperate attempts to convince themselves that this will pass in a day or two.

I'm just glad that I can stay indoors all day.

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